Planning for children/young people to come and live at Taigh Araich
The agreed length of placement for individual young people will differ pending on their identified needs. Generally, placements in Taigh Araich are seen to be best suited for young people requiring medium to long term time frames. Although we tend to prefer for children and young people to arrive on a planned basis, in exceptional circumstances we will endeavour to help support our partners during times of crisis and as such will accept crisis referrals when we can.
In Taigh Araich, our approach is individualised to the child/ young person and as such young people are able to stay with us for short planned periods or for longer-term planned periods. This enables children/ young people to return to the place that they identify as home with family/carers or remain living within Taigh Araich long term until the young person moves into independent living in his/her chosen community.
Within Taigh Araich our carers and associated professionals provide person-centred support that uses the Scottish Governments (2010) National Practice model to inform the admission and care planning process. Carers within Taigh Araich use the National Practice Model and work in partnership with children and young people by engaging in a process of continual observation, information gathering and assessment using the SHANARRI indicators, the ecological assessment triangle and the resilience matrix. In addition, a matching matrix is used during the referral process which is informed by the national practice model, ensuring children and young people receive the best support to thrive within Taigh Araich.
Taigh Araich accepts referrals from Local Authorities across the United Kingdom and Ireland. With an unprecedented number of children entering the care system coupled with a lack of foster carers, Taigh Araich gives Local Authorities an option of using a homely resource for younger children.